Casa na fazenda da família Giancarlo, em Nice na França

Where The Story Starts

In the year of 1849, a small family was moving for a tiny farm along the sea at Nice, south of France. Running a yet to grow business of apples cultivated on the back of the farm, the family Giancarlo had started there their journey to success.

In the following years, the family was growing and a new generation had arrived. Bornt in 1898, Emannuel Giancarlo, Giancarlo brothers's grandfather was observing the rise of vineyards throughout Europe and at the age of 32, right after his first son's birth, had decided to transform the family's farm into a huge vineyard.

Llavine Giancarlo, Giancarlo Brothers's grandmother

A Gentle Lady

Emannuel's wife and Giancarlo Brothers's grandmother, Llavine had been one of the major main caracthers from this lineage. Bringing an unique love for your bangalow in Nice, she had always been capable of unite the entire family at the evenings to enjoy her delicious desserts. Cousins, uncles and aunts, sisters, children and grandchildren, all of them came visit her at the farm.

Even after her death in May 2000, at the age of 96, her legacy lived on. The Giancarlo Brothers have taken her appetizing desserts and immortalized them on the hands of the gifted chef Prassert Jaa. Her brilliant sweeties left the old french farm to take the spotlights of Giancarlo in Rio de Janeiro, emphasizing the special acknowledgment from her grandsons and all the memories that she had provided them with.

From Nice To Rio

Following the success from Giancarlo Vineyards, Emannuel's younger son had decided to ingress in a new adventure. In February 1976, he decided to move to Rio de Janeiro with his two sons with 17 and 16 years old.

After a few months of negotiations, the restaurant Giancarlo Cuisine Française is launched in Copacabana.Carrying the tradition of the french gastronomy to Rio's seashore, the Giancarlo brothers have taken over the business after their father's illness at the end of the 90s.

First kitchen used by Giancarlo Brothers right after arriving in Brazil
Wine glass served at Gincarlo Cuisine Française in Rio de Janeiro

And so, the legacy of the family Giancarlo was just growing, as the traditional vineyards in Nice importing bottles from their most recent harvest for all over the world, and the taste of the luxurious restaurant exploring beyond the limits of gastronomy in Rio.

Giancarlos Brothers at Copacabana beach looking at the sea

Two brothers
One Story

Nowadays, Frédéric and Dominique Giancarlo, with 63 and 62 years respectively, still analyzing every new topic of the restaurant ainda acompanham de perto cada assunto do restaurante, wanting to watch over e preserve the tradition of their family and keep the marvelous taste of the french gastronomy they love so much.

“The good experiences are unique. Make them worth as the last piece of gâteau!”
- Giancarlo Brothers